
Day 2 – Tearing the Veil

“Transurfing in 78 Days — A Practical Course in Creating Your Own Reality” – Vadim Zeland


Realize that your life is a game that was imposed onto you. While deep into it, you’re not capable of objective assessment of situations and also not capable at all of influencing the course of events. First, go down to the spectator seats, look around with a clear mind and say: at this point I am not asleep and I realize where I am, what happens, what I am doing and why I am doing it. Then climb back on the stage and continue to play, as you remain observing. Now you have a huge advantage – awareness. You are destroying this game and have acquired the ability to control it.


When you are asleep, you are in the power of the circumstances, because your mind is dormant and accepts everything as it is, without asking questions, as if everything is the way it has to be. You feel as if reality exists independently of you and you are unable to influence it. You have resigned your fate to the combination of abilities given by birth, and environmental conditions in which you have to live… The only thing left for you to do, is to swim with the current of fate, making weak attempts to claim your rights, from time to time.

Day 2 - Tearing the Veil - Transurfing in 78 Days book

Can this be changed?… Yes, it can!

And you’ll do it. Until this moment you have accepted reality as you were taught to do. Now, become aware of it as a dream. Only in the conscious dream you are able to really control the situation. On stage, all have their role and everyone somehow interacts with you: expects something from you, imposes on you, asks or requires something, helps you or hindered you, loves you or hate you…

Watch this game consciously, as an observer, and then you will yourself understand everything. Become the observer today…